'Wow' pretty much epitomises my thoughts as the credits rolled after witnessing Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland in 3D. In the BFI imax. C'est incredible! Appropriately named 'Underland' for Alice's trip back down the rabbit hole, Burton cemented his status as a true artist. The gothic maestro was at his best, and the dazzling cast were impeccable- Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter in particular. And Alan Rickman. Ok I could end up listing all of them. Suffice to say, they were magnificent. Unlike Avatar, it was a pleasure to watch not only due to the stunning visuals, but the script and execution of it. The balance between humour and the more sinister was good, again seen brilliantly through Depp, whose accent fluctuated between British and Glaswegian to exhibit his precarious personality. Enhancing the entire production was, of course, the costumes. Kudos to Colleen Attwood, who made about ten different outfits for Alice alone, each perfectly tailored to the circumstances...
It wowed. It startled. It intrigued.
His enormous absorbing garment,
pomp and prevailing.
The set provided his mainframe, the wiring
that sparked creativity. A purgatory or sanctuary,
imagination was the key to enter.
Some remained behind the glass. They couldn't look.
Next, he enwrapped it in the petticoat
falling softly over the wires; veins. The designs flowed, then materials
who rejoiced in their union, embraced their wearer.
He added the outer layer to enfold and enhance. They
provided the splendour required. Depp, Rickman, Fry and
the more prolonged: Bonham-Carter, Wasikowska. They struck pearls.
Penultimately, he painted faces: azul eyes
rouge lips, viola cheeks, embellished
and adorned. Embedded in the outer skin, it sparkled.
He did this all, the creator,
first in thought,
then cutting,
then stitching.
He pulled the threads together,
to produce the masterpiece garment.
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